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High temperature and rain, pay attention to vehicle safety

Vehicle maintenance is directly related to the safe driving of vehicles, in the heat of summer, high temperature and rainy weather is often, and these are the performance of the vehicle made strict requirements. Vehicles in each season should have the appropriate maintenance, especially in the summer.
High temperature easy to make the vehicle puncture, high-speed traffic in the vehicle easily lead to traffic accidents. In addition, according to the international driving safety survey, rainy days driving traffic accident rate about five times higher than usual, the summer rainstorm weather, the road slippery, tire adhesion decreased, the car tire posed a great challenge. Always concerned about the road safety of tire experts Michelin tires to remind drivers must pay attention to the maintenance of summer tires, and gives recommendations.
In terms of traffic, first, check the tire before driving.
Summer outside the high temperature, coupled with the use of air conditioning, more likely to make the engine water temperature is too high, so when driving should pay more attention to changes in water temperature, the water temperature maintained at 90 degrees Celsius. Once found "boil", to immediately stop, turn off the air conditioning, let the engine speed, until the water temperature drop and then turn off add cooling water, do not "boil" when the water, to prevent damage to the engine. Hot weather, brake hydraulic system is prone to bubbles, so that braking performance is reduced, or even a foot brake did not respond. When this happens, do not be nervous, should be continuous Meng foot on the brakes, increasing the pressure of the brake hydraulic system. The brake should be forced to step in the end, and then quickly loose, and then forced to step in the end, repeated many times, you can restore.
In rainstorm weather often encounter muddy road. Experts advise motorists encounter muddy roads, parking should first view the actual road conditions, check the road surface mud pile hardness and depth, do not rush forward. Can be judged by a simple way to see whether there is no car through the birthmark, the more the new car before passing through the shorter time, and then according to the size of births, you can determine what kind of car through as a Own car through the conditions of reference. In addition, experts advise motorists wading must be controlled when the throttle, should be linked to low block slowly into the water, to avoid flooding the engine into the water; after the water after the section, to continuous light brakes in order to brakes Of water exclusion, to ensure traffic safety.
After the rain paint the vehicle vulnerable to damage, chassis and scratch the place will rust, air conditioning outlet is easy to grow mold, vehicles through high temperature and rainy season, also need good maintenance.
First of all, the rainy season should be washed as much as possible and pay attention to rust. Rain in addition to vehicles will bring sewage and sludge, the acid rain in the car will make the chassis rust. So after the rain to the car in a timely manner carefully cleaned. Secondly, the rain should be more open to open the warm air. The rainy season is extremely hot and humid, the car is easier to breed a variety of mold, therefore, more open open warm air, you can dry the body mold, get rid of moldy inside the car. Third, the engine maintenance. On rainy days, the car engine will often go wrong, especially after wading the car, as a result of multiple irrigation may have an impact on the performance of the car, serious can lead to the car can not start normally. Therefore, wading in the car, the driver can use non-fiber paper towels and textiles will be eleven dry, re-start.
Dongguan Saftire Automotive Safety Technology Co., Ltd.
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