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The relationship between tire pressure and vehicle performance (1)

The Relationship between Wheel Load and Load Capacity
Tire pressure is a sign of vehicle load capacity. Vehicle load depends on the tire pressure level. According to the tire load index and tire pressure and tire load capacity relationship, the higher the tire pressure, the greater the load capacity; air pressure is smaller, the smaller the load capacity. For example, a tire with a load index of 80 has a load capacity of 300 kg at 0.15 MPa and a load capacity of 450 kg when the air pressure is 0.25 MPa. It can be seen tire pressure on the impact of vehicle load capacity is quite large.
The Relationship between Tire Pressure and Automotive Power
When the car travels on the horizontal road at constant speed, it must overcome the rolling resistance from the ground and the resistance from the air, and the tire pressure has great influence on the rolling resistance coefficient. When the air pressure decreases, the rolling resistance coefficient increases rapidly. This is because when the tire pressure decreases, rolling tire deformation is large and hysteresis loss increases. Therefore, the appropriate tire tire pressure is a good vehicle with a guarantee of power.
Relationship between tire pressure and vehicle ride comfort
Car ride is directly related to the comfort of occupants feeling, in fact, the tire inflatable way has been greatly improved the ride comfort of the vehicle. Imagine if the tire with rigid tires or solid elastic tires, then the comfort level will certainly be greatly reduced. Then the inflatable tire pressure is also improper selection will also reduce its comfort. Air pressure is too high, will increase the rigidity of the tire, the vehicle vibration frequency increases, ride the deterioration. Appropriate lower air pressure can make it a good ride, if the tire pressure is too low, will affect the vehicle some other properties.
Relationship between tire pressure and vehicle handling stability
The lateral stiffness is an important parameter to determine the vehicle handling stability. Tires should have a high degree of lateral stiffness to ensure good handling and stability of the car. Tire pressure is an important factor affecting its lateral stiffness, the higher the tire pressure, the greater the lateral stiffness. But the air pressure is too high after the stiffness is no longer changing.
Dongguan Saftire Automotive Safety Technology Co., Ltd.
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